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04 Dec
by Sekuen

Sekuen agile team management and project delivery method

Agile methodology is a project management approach that prioritizes adaptability, continuous feedback, and iterative development. It contrasts with traditional, waterfall-style project management, which follows a linear, sequential process with clearly defined phases.

Here are some key characteristics of agile methodology:

Iterative development: Projects are broken down into small, manageable chunks called sprints, typically lasting 1-4 weeks. Teams work on completing a set of features within each sprint, focusing on delivering working software at the end of each iteration. This allows for frequent feedback and early detection of issues.

2. Incremental delivery: Instead of waiting to deliver the final product at the end, teams deliver working features incrementally throughout the project. This allows stakeholders to see progress early and provide feedback that can be incorporated into future iterations.

3. Cross-functional teams: Teams are self-organizing and consist of individuals with diverse skills and expertise. This promotes collaboration, communication, and shared ownership of the project.

4. Continuous improvement: Agile emphasizes a culture of continuous learning and feedback. Teams regularly reflect on their processes and identify areas for improvement. They then implement changes quickly and adapt their approach to better meet project goals.

5. Customer involvement: Customers are involved throughout the project, providing feedback and helping to prioritize features. This ensures that the final product meets their needs and expectations.

6. Flexible planning: While agile projects have a roadmap and goals, they are open to adapting to changing priorities and circumstances. This allows teams to respond quickly to market changes or new information.

Benefits of Agile Methodology:

  • Faster time to market:

    Delivering working software regularly allows for faster feedback and quicker response to market needs.

  • Improved product quality:

    Early and continuous feedback helps identify and fix problems early in the development process.

  • Increased customer satisfaction:

    Customer involvement ensures that the final product meets their needs and expectations.

  • More motivated teams:

    Self-organizing teams and a focus on continuous improvement create a more engaging and rewarding work environment.

  • Greater adaptability: 

    Agile projects are better equipped to handle changes in priorities or unforeseen circumstances.

Common Agile Frameworks:

  • Scrum: 

    A popular framework with short sprints, 

    daily stand-up meetings 

    and a dedicated role called the Scrum Master.

  • Kanban:

    Focuses on visualizing workflow and limiting work in progress to improve efficiency.

  • Lean:

    Borrows principles from lean manufacturing to optimize resource allocation and minimize waste.

Agile methodology is not a one-size-fits-all solution and may need to be adapted to fit specific project needs and team dynamics. However, its emphasis on flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement can significantly benefit various projects and organizations.


This summary was written with the help of Bard.

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List of competitors:

Deloitte, EY, IBM Consulting, Infosys, Capgemini, Accenture, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Wipro, Cognizant, HCL Technologies

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